My desire is to help people SHINE; to discover what gives them meaning; to find their own unique light and illuminate it into the world. This is the journey I've been on, and the place from where my creations are derived.

The products of Stephanie Jane are about finding inspiration and meaning on that journey, and providing symbolic tools to help.  They include  transformational boxes--wish boxes, intention boxes--to claim the life you wish for; INSPIRIT Energy Bracelets and Earrings to stay motivated and energized; ALCHEMY Symbolic Token giftware for taking action to define and pursue your path; Jewelry for the Soul, Mixed Media Art Prints and more for encouragement and positivity.  These products were created to empower each of us to choose and move toward our own destiny. They can be powerful agents of change. Each holds within it a deeper symbolic meaning that has the capacity to heal and the power to bring clarity to our path.

My wish for you is to know your desires, find clarity for your vision, and to choose a path that resonates deep within you and brings you joy and meaning. Be inspired…and SHINE

Stephanie Jane